Ok, so maybe I’ve taken some liberties with the title, but it worked! Here you are reading a story about Mocha the Quokka on Rottnest Island. These engaging little marsupials are everywhere – including this one in our shower. We figured it was thirsty so GW put down a bowl of water. Five minutes and half a bowl later it gave a shake of its tail and left. Same time today it turned up for another drink. It does has a larger friend who tries to rifle through the rubbish bin but we draw the line at food!
And because I’m a beach obsessed ageing surfie bum, here’s another beach photo!! Pinky Beach and Bathurst Lighthouse.

It was a very cute little fella! We did stop by and tell the people who moved into the hut after we checked out that the quokka liked to drop by for a drink!
AAW that Quokka looks so CUTE!
Not sure about silica, Sandy, but it’s squeaky, white and very fine… ah…. soft as silk…
Sala, we’ve been plagued with horrendous weather again today 🙂 Just dragged ourselves inside after a bike ride round the Island, a swim with some friendly dolphins (they were in the same vicinity anyway…) and a relax on the beach.
The beach looks awesome – it’s just a shame the weather was so awful that day….. 🙂
Glad to see you’re making friends with the locals, Helene. I can feel another scene in your WA based future book. And we’ll take all the beach photos you can throw at us. 🙂 Is that silica sand?