Phew, what a busy last few weeks! Apologies for the lack of blogging, but life has been full. I didn’t realise how long a break I’d had until emails starting arriving asking if I was okay 🙂 Very happy to report I’m fine, my computer is fine, but my boss expects me to keep working even when I’m in the middle of copy edits… (Inconsiderate or what? 😉 )

Me, Barb and Elizabeth
The Yungaburra Book Fair was a lot of fun. My panel partners, Barb Hannay and Elizabeth Martin, were wonderful, the crowd filled the tent, and the carrot cake in the little coffee shop on the corner was divine! It was great to catch up with the NQ RWA girls. (And a very big congrats to Alice who will be working with a major Australian publishing house on her latest project!)
A huge ‘thank you and well done’ has to go to Sarah Braund from the Yungaburra Book Village for putting the day together. It was wonderful to see so many people browsing through books. We’ll be back next year!!
If you’re in Cairns and looking for a literary moment tomorrow (9th October), Elizabeth is launching her debut novel, The Coffeeholic and the Cafe, at the Coffee Bean on the Pier at 4 pm. For more details check out her website at It’s a lovely romantic comedy/chicklit set in North Queensland and perfect to read lingering over a great NQ Gold coffee!
Editing is progressing and I am, as always, so very grateful to Ali and Bernadette for their insights and diplomacy. I thought I’d banished all the words I tend to over use… It seems I’ve simply found new ones to torture…
I should have a couple of new covers to show you very soon and some exciting news about Border Watch! And now, it’s back to editing and I promise not to leave it so long between blogs 😀

An A380 freighter would be a big beastie! Took some photos of a QF A380 yesterday but they just don’t do it justice….
This was ceriutication for maximum cargo load. I also see that Airbus is mooting an A380 Freighter
Cathy, we keep our fingers crossed. Their cockpit is very similar to the DHC 8 400 apparently so we reckon we’d do a pretty good job of flying them 🙂
1 million pounds of fuel sounds like a very bright fireball if it all went horribly wrong! Lucky Boeing builds strong aircraft.
I wonder if QANTAS will buy any of the new Cseries jets Bombadier are putting into production? First metal has been cut on plane #1. The 747 8I recnetly completed it’s overwieght takeoff tests from edwards with a load of 1 million pounds (and a very nervous pilot)
I hope you’re getting frequent flyer miles Cathy 🙂 I’m feeling jet-lagged just thinking about it… And yes, another swag of Q400s coming our way!
I see QANTAS has signed for another 24 Q400’s, busy for you?
Even though I only flightsim these days I am having apretty busy month. I am using the Boeing 747/200 for a flight from Hamburg to Tel Avib wih real time weather, The the new 747 *I from Tel Aviv To Calcutta, then Melbourne, and proabaly an A 380 back to Germany via Singapore. On top of that I am getting used to the new Cessan 310 I have downloded (nice plane, if I ever get my licence back I would consider one). Plus I am boning up on Carrier traps (with an F-14 out of Cairns)
No suspense intended, Sonya and Sandy:-) I’m waiting on the new cover for the edition that will come out in February to be finalised – it looks fabulous but very different – and as soon as I have the copy I’ll post it up on the blog!
Hi Sue, lovely meeting you too! It was a fun afternoon at the BWF with a very diverse group of writers. Glad you enjoyed Karen Robard’s book. I had just started reading Monica McInerny’s ‘At Home with the Templetons’ when my edits arrived. Can’t wait to get back to it!
Now, it’s off to Horn Island for the afternoon for me! Looking forward to flying an aircraft instead of a simulator 😀
Hi Helene, it was great to catch up with you at your workshop in Brisbane, over sold as well 🙂 I’ve also just finished reading Shattered by Karen Robards an excellent book loved every page.
Yeah, don’t keep us in suspenders! What exciting news about Border Watch? Don’t JUST keep it to yourself. 🙂 Lord, girls, I can see that word as a metaphysical representation covered in scratches and multiple knives protruding from it like an echidna. I try to evict it on my editing run/s.
I agree, Helene, your boss is inconsiderate, but ah well, what can you do?
So, you couldn’t just share the ‘exciting news about Border Watch’ now…?
‘Just’ is one of my favourite little numbers as well, Phillipa… And ‘right’, ‘okay,’ and if my characters ‘shot’ any more looks at each other there’d be a blood bath… Thank goodness for ‘search’ functions!
BWF was fun! I had a lovely time on the panel with Tiffany and Louisa. Running the workshop was so much fun I’ll be presenting it again for QWC in Cairns and Townsville at the end of March 2011!!
Glad you like Shattered Sky 🙂 Naming books seems to be so fraught… I was a little unsure to start with – no pilot is going to believe you can shatter the sky… Also one of the lovely ladies in my NQ writing group has Shattered as her working title on one of her manuscripts, and then I picked up a Karen Robard’s book called Shattered, which was released in June this year. Hachette are very happy with the new name though, so I’ll leave it in their capable hands – and on a straw poll so far all the feedback is good!!
BTW I like the new title ‘Shattered Sky’. Sounds good and ominous.
The book fair sounds lovely … but where is Yungaburra? And how did the Brisbane Writers Week thing go?
We all have our own personal words to overuse, don’t we? I was working through a list of so called weasel words when I came to ‘just’. I don’t use ‘just’ so I’ll skip the search for that word, I thought to myself. Then went ahead anyway and was gobsmacked and horrified to find it in just about every paragraph! Just SO annoying.