A quick reminder thatΒ Barb Hannay will be doing a radio interview on ABC radio Townsville this afternoon at 2.20 pm. All the details are on her website. She’s running a competition for the best opening line for a Romance novel so get your thinking caps on and, if you’re around and listening, phone in for a chat!
Barb was very articulate at putting the popularity of romance writing in perspective at the recent Tropical Writers Festival. This is another opportunity to spread the word π

I forgot to add, yes she did a great job.
I didn’t get to hear the call in stories, although they sounded so endearing.
I’ve read some of Barbara’s novels and enjoyed them throughly. π
Barb did a wonderful interview didn’t she, Suzanne! She’s a quiet achiever who writes warm and endearing Australian stories and always waves the romance flag in such a positive way π
Thanks for the Info on Barbara Helene, although I missed it I heard it online.
Ta π
OK, I did that and may I say your blog set up is much more user friendly.
Sandy, get thee to Barb’s site now to post that! I love it!
Go hard, Barb, fly that flag!
OK, so I know the opening line comp is only on the radio, but what the hey, here’s my two bits:
It took Jack Fenwick a little while to realise his heart had deserted him.