Barbara Hannay and the NQ RWA girls
Wow! I’ve just had a fabulous (but exhausting) weekend at the Tropical Writers Festival in Cairns. There is something very uplifting about spending an entire weekend with people who are passionate about books. As always the differences in opinions about the merits of one book versus another were intriguing and the Biggest Book Club certainly provided plenty of discussion ๐
It’s possible I’m in brain overload – not good when I have my annual line check today, flying to Horn Island and back… ย Barbara Hannay’s workshop was, as always, excellent and it was great to catch up with the NQ RWA girls who I don’t see often enough. ‘A Miracle for His Secret Son,’ Barb’s latest release, is out now. We’re all hanging out for her next book which is written almost entirely in emails!
James Phelan’s workshop was full of interesting anecdotes. He’s a fellow Hachette author whose series about Lachlan

James Phelan
Fox, an investigative journalist, has been very successful. He’s now branching out into YA and I’m looking forward to reading ‘Alone.’
Dinner withย Gretel Killeen was hysterical! Her new book ‘Jimmy and Gret Don’t Do Sex’ has been added to my TBR pile (which could topple over at any time…)
The panel discussion with Helen Ross and Vincent Gilvarry about our different paths to publishing was excellent. I think it’s easy to gloss over just how hard the road to being published can be.
Kirsten and Andrew from Collins Booksellers in Smithfield were busy doing their bit to support writers and it’s great to see independent booksellers like them so involved in the industry. I’m sure there will always be a place for paper books despite the surge in ebooks and e-readers.
A huge thanks to Diane Finlay and her crew from the Tropical Writers Group who worked so tirelessly to put the festival together. It was an intimate event that delivered high quality presenters and workshops. Look forward to the next one!!

Yeah, my TBR pile is goning to get bigger, getting a mega migraine so off to beddy-byes
Thanks for the recommendations, Cathy. My TBR pile will fill my spare room soon… Some of those might have to wait until I’m sitting on the deck of a yacht with my iPad:-)
PS the sequel to Alone is out this month, the final book is due in may next year. If you like books about the great days of sail, check on Dewey Lambdin’s “Alan Lewrie” novels (think, Flashman at sea) and also JUlian Stockwyn’s “Kydd” novels. JUlian is Ex RAN and RN “kydd ” follows the life of Thomas Kydd from pressed man to Admiral (based on an actual person)
If you love strong Femal Carhacters David Weber’s excellent Honor Harrington SF novels. Try to read in order, but Start woth HONOR OF THE QUEEN which is actually the second in the series. The there are his spinoff SHADOW OF SAGANAMI series and his excellent SAFEHOLD series.
The Phryne Fisher’s are all set in late 1920’s Victoria (mainly Melbourne). The Corinne Chapman’s are in modern day Melbourne. Phyrne is also a pilot and owns a Gypsy Moth
Cathy, I’ll keep and eye out for Kerry Greenwood, thanks for the recommendation!
Sandy, I knew the passengers were looking a little bemused when we turned right… Very handy having that long coastline the whole way to keep me on the straight and narrow ๐
Hi Helene,
Just a quick reminder on where Horn is – take off 1-5, turn left, keep Australia on the left, you should be right from there. ๐
The writer’s festival sounds like it was a great success. It’s good to know ‘grass-roots’ level writing is well and thriving.
Good luck with the line check, I have read alone and I think you will enjoy it. I am also a big fan and a friend of Kerry Greenwood’s and have just read her new Phryne Fisher, there is a new Corinne next year I beleive