In a couple of days Border Watch will be available as an ebook on the iBook Apple site! I’m very excited that Hachette has joined the e-revolution, though a little nervous as well… Booksellers have been incredibly supportive, hand-selling Border Watch to a stack of happy customers and I thank them for that. I’d hate to think that those small and medium businesses who work so hard to promote reading might find operating conditions even tougher with the rise and rise of e-books.
I do think ultimately genres like Romance will prosper as more books become available in digital format. I also hope that many many readers will still enjoy holding a book in their hands. It’s balancing act to keep both arms of publishing flourishing. I’m glad I have the easy part to look after – letting my imagination run wild 😉
And thanks to Nicola of Love Books for a lovely review of Shattered Sky. She’s read an early review copy of the story and gave it the thumbs up!

I’m sat in Newcastle airport just about to board a Dash for Bris – a mad scramble today to attend a funeral… – and didn’t realise Shattered Skies’ cover was up! I don’t have the finished version yet!!
Glad you approve ladies:-)
Hey Helene, Great cover for Shattered Sky. Eye catching, in fact.
I have ebooks, but nothing beats a real book. Who wants to curl up in bed with a good…computer device?! I like having the cover there to look at. I’ve read a few ebooks in the last week, and last night I ended up with a massive headache from staring at the screen. I’ll definitely be buying the ebook of Border Watch, but nothing will replace my paperback.
Hey – you have a huge, beautiful version of the Border Watch cover here on the site – are we going to get a bigger Shattered Sky cover (hint hint), and maybe an excerpt (hint hint), and maybe even an earlier release date (like maybe before Remembrance Day)?!!!
Hey Helene, I agree, I’d hate to see books go out of hard-print. Having said that I have to admit that all of my e-books are romance novels – thank you Harlequin :). But I still think there’s something special about holding a book in your hands. A digital reader just doesn’t have the same magic, not for me anyway. Probably has something to do with our generation.
Very exciting that Border Watch is coming out as an e-book though because it truly is the way of the future and has the ability to reach far more customers.
Yeah for Shattered Sky! Always good for the ego when someone likes your stories. 🙂 Looking forward to reading it.