Help! I’ve lost the pause button…


I’m in desperate need of a pause button – or a rewind would be even better. Where has 2011 gone?

Somewhere in the last twelve months I’ve been checked to line on a new aircraft, have published my second book, have written my third novel, completed countless simulator sessions, had family visitors all the way from France and Brisbane, have attended conferences and talk-fests, have blogged, twittered and face-booked, have drunk my way through many bottles of champagne celebrating success – both mine and others, gained and lost more kilos than I care to remember, forgotten birthdays, remembered anniversaries and weddings, laughed, cried and commiserated with friends, failed to spend enough time with those I love, and discovered more ways of procrastinating than I believed possible.

All this has led to 2012 barging rudely over the horizon and my ‘to-do’ list is still to be done!

Alice in Wonderland feels closer to my reality than I want to admit. My mother warned me this would happen with age and I foolishly ignored her. Now there’s no turning back and each minute, each hour becomes more precious. I feel like one of those little drones on Pac-man (and if you don’t know what Pac-man is then don’t worry because you’re still young enough to believe life goes along at a leisurely pace!) being run down by the munching machines. If I look behind me I can almost see my past overtaking my future. That’s not a pretty site, or should that be sight…

So what to do with less than a month to go? Breathe. Breathe deeply and let it all out. I can’t change what’s been, only enjoy it with hindsight. I can however change my future and I’m starting right now – if I wait for New Year’s Eve, and a dodgy resolution, I’ll be on jet somewhere between here and the UK and I may experience time zone confusion when my past really is in front of me!

My advice to stressed writers has always been -‘Be kind to yourself – your words and stories will still be there tomorrow.’ Today, for something completely different, I’m going to take my own advice.

Ciao for now 🙂 The swimming pool is calling. Anyone care to join me?


11 thoughts on “Help! I’ve lost the pause button…

  1. Amanda, the water was lovely but I did have to drag myself out and head to work. Had a lovely flight to Port Moresby and back with a good crew, fine weather and no delays 🙂

  2. I HEAR ya!!! This year has been a total whirlwind and I think your advice is fabulous. I tried to slow down on the writing front in November and just enjoy reading, etc again.
    Hope you enjoyed the pool. It looks BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Oh man – I feel exhausted just reading all that… hope the water soothed away the need for a ‘pause’ and such lovely advice… as always xx

  4. Jenn, that may very well be my excuse for some of my appalling typos during the year! Glad you enjoyed being part of the blog – it wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun without the visitors!!

  5. Thanks, Cathy it was a very big splash followed by a very heart felt ahhhhhh….. I can just see you doing Mach 1.2 and shattering windows in your wake 🙂

  6. LOL as long as you weren’t twittering, blogging and facebooking WHILE drinking champagne. Oh, but wait, maybe that explains it LOL. You have provided a wonderful year of posts and shared with us – advice and contacts and successes. Thank you Helene.

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