I didn’t think life could get any more hectic, but it seems it can…
I’m sat in bed with a cup of tea, GW and Zeus snoring peacefully beside me, catching up on emails, blogs, twitter, Face Book and the mail. Can’t quite see an end in sight yet and my laptop’s in danger of overheating!
October got off to an exciting start with the release of The Life and Times of Chester Lewis, a linked anthology of short stories written by nine writers, Jo Hart, Michael Grey, SM Johnston, Steve Rossiter, Kelly Inglis, Michael White, Lia Weston, Bernadette Kelly and me! Steve Rossiter from The Australian Literature Review is the man behind the concept. Check out The Chester Lewis Website and Face Book page for details about the fan fiction competition. There’s some good money to be won! Chester’s story is available on Amazon. It’s fascinating seeing the different writing styles and perceptions of nine writers.
Meanwhile the flying side of life has been busy with a sim check to start the week and a couple of longs days to finish it. The weather in NQ has been gorgeous so the added bonus as always has been the view out the window!
Next weekend I head to Brisbane to conduct a writing workshop for Queensland Writers Centre. Can’t wait to spend time with other writers talking about ways to improve their writing. It’s always such an uplifting way to spend the day!
Planning for the inaugural GenreCon is well underway for a celebration of all things Genre Fiction. The draft programme has just been released and there are some excellent workshops and panels along with a debate between pansters and plotters! Can’t wait to see that one in action 🙂
I’m delighted and very honoured to be an invited guest along with some of my favourite writers like Anna Campbell, Christina Brook, PM Newton and Kim Wilkins. Sarah Wendell (from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books) will be there as will Joel Naoum from Momentum Books, who set the RWA conference in August on fire!
The list of attending authors is huge – looking forward to catching up with Bronwyn Parry, Lisa Heidke, Phillipa Fioretti and many more friends at the event in Sydney. It’s less than a month away so put it in your diary and I’ll see you there!
Looks like the boys have woken up now so time to take Zeus for a walk and enjoy another spring day in ‘beautiful one day, perfect the next’ North Queensland!
Enjoy your weekend what ever you’re doing 🙂

Indeed, Brenda 🙂 I’m copping one of those looks as I type….
They do that well, our doggy friends, don’t they Helene 🙂
Sandy, I heard it was forecast to be horrendously hot for October… There’s a team from work riding their bikes from Bris to Gold Coast today – hope they have plenty of water!!!
Zeus is always a priority, Brenda, and should we try and forget him he turns those reproachful eyes on us and there’s no escape!!
It’s dreadfully hot down here at the moment, Helene and if you could bring some rain with you that would be great! 🙂
Sounds like you’re definitely a busy bee Helene 😉 But as long as you can still take Zeus for a walk, all will be well!!
Take care and enjoy 🙂