Phew, it’s been a hectic day, but I’m aboard Roo Bin Esque and settling into the rhythm of a marina with GW and Zeus. As it’s a long weekend the activity has been frenetic all day. Many of our neighbours have already cast off. April also marks the beginning of the cruising season in Queensland so the ever helpful Brett (he of the safety line with last weekend’s trip up the mast) and Debbie had headed off for six months of wandering. We’ve spent the day buying food, topping up fuel and water, and finding spaces for the extra 20 kgs of ‘stuff’ I brought down with me. As the setting sun bathes the masts in gold it’s time to relax and listen to the change of tempo.
A huge thank you to all of you who kept me company in cyberspace last night. The hugs were all appreciated!

Sandy, it was a very tranquil morning after the level of traffic yesterday!
Thanks, Cathy 🙂
Thanks Helene…that’s good to hear 😉
Enjoy your new home!
Ah, there’s nothing like sunset over water – even if it is in a marina. I bet Roo-B is just itching to show you how well she can look after you. 🙂
Lesley, we’re looking forward to seeing you guys in September!!
Thanks, Brenda, and happy Easter to you. The bunny found us 🙂
oooo what a lovely view.
Looking forward to the stories of the trip north xx
What a glorious scene Helene! Glad you’re home safe and sound…I bet the boys were happy to see you 🙂 Enjoy and have fun…I hope Easter bunny can find you tomorrow, with all your moving around 😉