Life’s a funny old thing. Just when you think you can sit back, relax and enjoy the ride those pesky little Fates tweak the threads of the fabric and suddenly everything changes.
Clotho, the Fate responsible for spinning the threads, is clearly meddling with me at the moment. Over the last twelve months I’ve had some issues with vertigo – not a good thing for someone who flies for a living. The specialists can’t quite agree on what’s going on in my head (although Capt G would say it’s all to do with an over active imagination and characters battling for centre stage…) so for now I’m a pilot with clipped wings.
I’ve finished having a tantrum (though there are the odd moments of tears) and it’s time to move on to the next phase. That means moving south to Brisbane. We’ve been in Cairns almost 16 years and have loved every minute of it, but it’s time for a new challenge (and dealing with traffic jams will be the first of many!). Capt G is driving south in the Barina as I type and weather willing we’ll cast off the mooring lines early next week and slog our way back down the Queensland coast in Roo Bin Esque.
I’ll miss all our friends, my work colleagues and the beauty of North Queensland, but we’ll be back – and the internet makes the world a very small place so don’t be strangers.
I am a little perplexed though. According to legend Zeus is the only God capable of controlling the Fates. Perhaps Zeus the Wonder Staffie doesn’t have a hotline to his name sake after all …

Thanks for your good wishes, Margaret 🙂
Thanks, Imelda, my fingers are crossed!!
Thanks, Jo, hopefully there will be an end in sight. xx
Sorry to hear your wings have been clipped.
Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery!
That’s awful, Helene. I hope it all resolves itself and right speedily!
Sorry to hear about the ill health, Helene – I know how much you love flying. Hope it all gets sorted out soon – thinking of you!
Thanks, Shelleyrae, the physio was excellent so I’ll spend the time sailing south running through the exercises she’s given me. Maybe it will all be sorted by the time we arrive in Brisbane.
I’m hoping it is good news for you Helene xx
Thanks for that, Cathy. I suspect if I can’t fly commercially again then all my spare cash will go into sailing with the odd flight in a light aircraft accompanied by an instructor. But I’ll stay optimistic. Off to the physio this afternoon and see what magic she can weave 🙂
Helene, if it turns out that you are OK to fly, but not OK to fly commercially, you can always do your RA licence. That’s what I would do if I had the money. You need only be medically fit to hold a car licence, and a good second hand RA aircraft, such as a Jabiru is a reasonable price. Personally I’d go for the Aeroprakt Foxbat LS22, though!
Thanks, Susanne, we’ll need winter woollies in Bris compared with Cairns!! Looking forward to the sailing and fingers crossed the winds are favourable.
Thanks, Cathy. Not an ideal thing for a pilot but very grateful I have options and hopefully I will get to fly again!!
Thanks for the hugs, Cath. I’m hoping that I will be able to get my medical back one day and meanwhile there are adventures to be had!!
Hope you’ll get your head back in the clouds very soon, Helene. 🙂 All the best with your move south. It’s cool at the moment.
I can really relate to this, hopefully, it will be atransitory condtion and you can get back to flying.
Huge hugs, Helene. I hope the physio makes magic and the vertigo disappears. How awful to suffer from it especially when your wings get clipped too.
About Zeus…maybe he wants more time with you…maybe he has the hotline after all 🙂
I’m sure your Mum will love having you close.
Cath xox
Rhian, hugs back to you. I’m glad this has only reared its head in the last twelve months. You’ve had a battle for much longer…
Thanks, Brenda, looking forward to my visit south to Newcastle!
Damn. I wouldn’t wish vertigo on anyone. I’ve suffered with it all my life so I know how annoying it can be. (((HUGS)))
Hope your episode goes away soon.
Sorry to hear about your health problems Helene. Vertigo is horrible, and can strike at any time. Hopefully you’ll be back in the air soon 🙂 Take care, and I’ll see you in 2 days…
Thanks, Phillipa, you’re absolutely right. Adventures to be had ashore and afloat! And thanks for all your lovely support 🙂
Thanks, Rowena, I’m off to see a physio tomorrow and if it’s one type of vertigo then they may be able to fix it. That would be fabulous!
I have to admit I have enjoyed being home a bit more and Zeus has been the model writing companion 🙂 Thanks for your kind words.
Lol, Gabrielle, you never fail to make me smile 😀
It will be another adventure heading south and I’m very grateful for all the support from work. There are a whole lot of doors opening up at the moment so I just need to peek behind a couple and see what’s behind them!
Condolences on being grounded, Helene. That’s a big disappointment for a woman who loves to fly. But there are adventures to be had on the ground too, and lots of interesting people in Brisbane so best of wishes for your big change and journey south. XXX
Hi Helene,
So sorry to hear of your vertigo (and your clipped wings). Hopefully they work out the cause and you can get back to your other love. It is never easy when your journey is decided for you, and perhaps Zeus does have a hand in this – he wants his mum home with him. Settle well into your new locale.
All my best
Rowena 🙂
Well… Frankly… I’m just about ready to throw Nero and Bunson in the motorhome and make my way up to your locale to give you some TLC. Vertigo is NOT FUN AT ALL. I hope you are feeling well VERY SOON.
Am sure tho’ your two beloved fellow salty’s Capt G and Zeus (legend) will keep an eye on you 😉
Fair weather and calm seas m’hearty, take care on the journey and thanks for a yet another great post.
Cheeries Gabrielle
(and Nero and Bunson)
Hi Lisa, sounds like you’re loving where you are now! I’m a Brissie girl originally so it will be fun rediscovering the places we loved and finding new ones to explore. Catching up with old friends will also be lovely 🙂
Thanks, Janni, hugs accepted and Zeus sends his love as well.
It will be lovely to be back in Brisbane in many ways and close to Mum again so I know there are good things in store.
Best of luck with the change of location, Helene.
We did a big move 18 months ago (opposite way to you from Melbourne to the coast) and it did take me a while to settle in. Now I love my new community and I love that I keep discovering new things to like about living here. I’m sure you’ll meet lots of wonderful new friends and enjoy all the excitement the city life has to offer.
Big hugs Helene. It’s so difficult when health interferes with your work. Hope this new stage of your life turns out to be absolutely marvelous.
PS The Hound sends love to the Wonder Staffie.