Winds of Change

Have you had to face a challenge in your life that sent you hurtling in another direction? Today I’m visiting Teddyree at The Eclectic Reader. My life’s changed enormously in the last two years and there have been days when that change has been incredibly painful. But more change is afoot. Capt G and I Continue reading

Music to my ears

Are you a music lover? Do songs or music change the feel of your day? The Northern Heat Pre-release Blog Tour is visiting 1Girl2ManyBooks today and I’m sharing the songs that made a huge difference to Northern Heat. Bree runs a wonderful review site and I’ve discovered many new authors via her insightful reviews. So Continue reading

Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012

Talk about scraping home by the skin of my teeth! As 2012 draws to a close I thought I’d best post my completed list for the Australian Women Writers Challenge. I’m a little stunned that I found time to read so many. A very big thank you to Elizabeth Lheude for instigating this wonderful challenge. Continue reading