For eighteen years I looked down on Hinchinbrook Island from the cockpit of my Dash 8 as we flew between Cairns and Townsville and I marvelled at its moods. Quite often the skies would be clear accept for the thunderstorm brewing over the craggy island. Under the care of Captain Lyle Cook I joined a Continue reading
Tag: Sailing Brisbane to Cairns

Under the waves
What a day! We’re both exhausted from exploring, kayaking and snorkelling. If you get the chance to visit Orpheus Island then take it. The fringing coral reef is spectacular and my photos don’t do it justice. Even more special is the clam garden which is full of giant clams. They were bred here in the Continue reading
Orpheus Island
We had a delightful sail from Horseshoe Bay to Orpheus Island – although I lost count of the sail changes as the wind was up and down. When it reached 17 knots in a rush, and we still had our beautiful pink spinnaker up, I think we were both a little concerned we were headed Continue reading
Maggie Island
I love North Queensland! We hopped on the bus to go to Nellie Bay and the driver was busy checking up on the health of one of his elderly regulars who’d been taken ill yesterday. Same driver on the way back announced to the bus via the PA that ‘the couple that wanted to buy Continue reading

What Price Safety?
I’ve always been fascinated by lighthouses and the women and men who’ve kept lights shining across darkened oceans. Now we’re afloat I have an even greater obsession – there’s nothing so welcome as the sweep of a light as you’re closing on a headland in the dark. We’re moored in Pancake Creek (and yes there Continue reading
Time flies when you’re having fun :)
Apart from the fact we’ve been in a Telstra blackspot we’ve also been a little busy! However I still can’t believe it’s been 15 days since I posted a blog… Meanwhile we’ve seen out two wet weather events with wild winds, caught up with old friends, made new friends and see some amazing displays from Continue reading
Busy few days!
We survived the wild weather in good shape, but our thoughts are will those further south how sustained damage to their homes and boats… The devastation is hard to watch, especially in places like Devonport and Coffs Harbour where entire marinas were severely impacted. With the calmer weather we headed to Torquay in Hervey Bay Continue reading
Tall timbers
When we lived in Brisbane we had several four-wheel drive holidays on Fraser Island. Like so much of the Queensland coast its forests were logged extensively in the early 1900s through to 1991 when the island was finally given World Heritage protection. A whole community sprang up around the MacKenzie sawmill and wharf facilities where Continue reading
Hangin’ around
Today went almost as planned. I’ve increased my word count, we both did some cleaning and the fishing line was dangled off the back of the boat. Sadly no fish accepted the bait so it looks like we have corned beef for dinner – and Graham’s cooking! One of today’s little miracles was cleaning the Continue reading
Rugged diversity of Shaw Island.
My words will never do it justice so here’s Shaw Island and its magnificent diversity captured in photos.