We snuck out of Blue Water marina, disturbing the mirror finish on the water, and headed into the sunrise. The valley to the south of Cairns was hiding in rain, but the sky to the north was clear. There’s a certain tension to every departure. Will the forecast be accurate and our next anchorage welcoming? Continue reading
Tag: Discover Australia
Heading north
After a crazy, busy month it’s time to head north again. We’ve had a good stay in Blue Water Marina and have managed to catch up with a few of our friends – apologies to those we didn’t manage to connect with… Roobinesque is sitting lower in the water, filled with enough food and fuel Continue reading

South Molle Island – a quiet haven
After our speedy run to Airlie Beach to re-provision, where I clocked up 18,000 + steps on my fitbit, we decided to head out to the islands again. The closest anchorage we hadn’t visited before was Bauer Bay on South Molle Island. We had a lovely run across with the sails up and dropped anchor Continue reading
Hangin’ around
Today went almost as planned. I’ve increased my word count, we both did some cleaning and the fishing line was dangled off the back of the boat. Sadly no fish accepted the bait so it looks like we have corned beef for dinner – and Graham’s cooking! One of today’s little miracles was cleaning the Continue reading
Thanks to the Hervey Bay whales!
I Found Veritas!!
So there we were motoring into Scarborough Marina with our hiccupping outboard motor and the first sailing vessel I spot is Veritas! She looks remarkably like Conor’s boat in Northern Heat and she’s even the right length! It’s a blue moon tonight – the second full moon in the month of July – and we Continue reading
The Dress Rehearsal is Over!
Roobinesque has been scrubbed, painted, polished, waxed and buffed to within an inch of her life. (Sounds like a long session at the day-spa, doesn’t it?) She’s now making an extra knot and a half of boat speed and I swear she had a sexy little wiggle as we departed Boat Works. The last week Continue reading
Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See!
Progress at last! The sun came out to play and we managed to finish polishing the underside of Roobi’s main deck and paint the first coat of anti-foul. Our props have been turned to gold and we’ve turned into a couple of groaning geriatrics! My Fitbit has awarded me a Penguin March Badge and The Continue reading
Rain, rain go away, come again another day…
We woke to the sound of pitter patter on Roobi’s decks and it wasn’t the footsteps of little elves finishing the painting… July is traditionally a dry month in Brisbane. Nothing like a break with tradition to rain on our parade. Capt G resorted to polishing the underside of the centre deck – I look Continue reading