How exciting! I have my first guest blogging spot on Romance Writers of Australia ‘Blog Bites’. Anita Joy puts together a small blog on a new writer each week. This week it’s me. Visit Blog Bites and feel free to post a comment! I’d love to hear from you.
I think I’m gradually working out the guest blogging thingy – it’s like being the new kid at school and asking people to play with you. The great thing about RWA is no one says they don’t want to play and in fact they are a wonderful, welcoming group of writers only too happy to help those just starting out on the publishing journey.
Next week I’m hosting the fabulous Fleur McDonald who’s going to share some insight into her writing journey and how she juggles being a very busy farmer, mother and writer. She’ll be giving away a copy of her novel “Red Dust” to one lucky, lucky visitor! So make sure you drop back next Tuesday.

Hi Sandy, Kylie Griffin is her pen name – she writes Fantasy Fiction and her website is
Scraped through – wheels over the fence! You know how it is…
Hi Helene,
I noticed a lady by the name of Kylie Griffin on your RWA blog. Believe it or not Brett has a cousin called Kylie but I don’t know if this is her. Like a lot of cousins they usually hear about each other through the family. Brett said his cousin lives in Melbourne.
I look forward to being introduced to Fleur and reading her story next week.
Did you scrape through on your sim? That’s usually Brett’s answer when I ask him how he goes,”Scraped through again.” Yeah right, as if!