G that’s disappointing…

Passions run deep...

At the risk of sounding like Bettina Arndt I have to ask if the weather or other historical (or is that hysterical) factors are to blame for recent sexual behaviours in France and Britain.

According to the British press the NHS, in a moment of post Christmas bonhomie, is exhorting the Brits to get into shape by Sexercising. (Kind of sounds like Peter Costello telling us all to go out and breed. Those obediant citizens who did are now enjoying their widescreen TVs…) Maybe it’s the government’s way of distracting people from the GFC (and be nice, that stands for  Global Financial Crisis). They even give some great little pointers on their website – I wasn’t brave enough to click on the videos…

On the other side of the pond, the French are being told to get out and have an affair – if you’re a man that is… Maryse Valliant in her recent book ‘Men, Love and Fidelity’ argues that men have affairs because they need breathing space. She goes on to say, ‘Once French women accept that the “fidelity is not natural but cultural”, and that infidelity is essential to the “psychic functioning” of certain men who are still very much in love, it can be “very liberating” for women.’ Liberating? Yep, that would be the divorce kind of liberation.

Back over the pond again and the Brits have done some fascinating research (during sexercise no doubt) with twins. Apparently  the G Spot is a myth! You can all stop pretending now – it was never there in the first place. Beverly Whipple who helped to popularise the G Spot is dismissive of their research. ‘The biggest problem with their findings is that twins don’t generally have the same sexual partner,’ she said .

Good point.

So I have a plan. Send the twins to France! That way the twins came have the same man do the research, feel liberated by the experience and give some poor long suffering French wife some breathing space. Voilà!


4 thoughts on “G that’s disappointing…

  1. Glad it made you smile, Sandy! Couldn’t resist the temptation… And I’m with you- let the liberated wives have fun too! Of course some of those girls must already be enjoying long, slow lunches… The numbers just don’t stack otherwise…

  2. Oh Dear Helene, ‘Rise’ to the occasion? Thank you for my early morning smirk. As far as the French affairs are concerned I’m an equal opportunity gal, if the men want breathing space the wives should be allowed a changed of ‘face’.

  3. As they consider themselves to be the world’s greatest lovers I thought they’d rise to the occasion… For the love of it?

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