Hopefully Dr Helen Young from The School of Communications, University of Western Sydney has a sense of humour. Her erudite article on the pitfalls of Intellectual property and copy write laws in Australia appeared in this morning’s Sydney Morning Herald complete with a photo of me!
Her article deals with a subject close to any writer’s heart so I’m very happy to be associated with it, but I’m sure she would rather have had her own photo there.
When I rang to point out the error to the SMH I suggest that if they liked my photo so much they could do a story on me and Shattered Sky. Unfortunately the young man I spoke to didn’t take me up on my kind offer.

Jawohl ( clicks heels)
Lol, ‘hey you’ will work just fine! No need to stand on ceremony:-)
Do we now address you as Frau Kapitan Doktor 🙂
I do wonder how many times errors like this happen. I’d snuck into their database via the piece I did for The Age on cyclone Yasi.
Oh, Dear, some red faces on the SMH?
Whoooops on their part, and the young man is missing out not doing a piece on you and Shattered Sky. :O)