The National Year of Reading has opened so many doors this year and I’ve enjoyed walking through every single one of them!
Thursday night I was in Mareeba chatting to the friendly folk at the library. Thanks to Wendy, Francis and the team for their welcome. I loved the display they’d put together! The Border Watch cover still makes me smile when I see it.
Linda, from Tablelands Books kindly provided books and also brought along her young daughter who had a birthday yesterday, so happy birthday!!
The number of people who were still coming through the doors at closing time reminded me just how precious our libraries are to the community. Long may they carry on putting books in the hands of readers! It’s inspiring to see how libraries have evolved in the last twenty years 🙂

Libraries are such an important community resource. Where else can you find such a wealth of information and entertainment, and the opportunity to see like-minded people?
By the way, are you taking part in the television promotion of Love2read? Ron and I are hopeful of making a very short video. It’ll be wonderful to see all the Friends of the National Year of Reading having their say.:)