And I should sleeping like Zeus…
I think the best night time traveller aboard Roo Bin Esque is Zeus the salty sea dog. It appears to be his mission to keep a close eye on who ever is sleeping and he takes that role very seriously 🙂 It involves snuggling as close as he can and snoring…
I’m typing this at 2 am as I’m on watch on again, which means we survived last night well enough to attempt it again tonight. Sunrise brought a cool mizzly morning as we sailed down the outside of the Palm Island Group. The winds were largely light, around 12 – 15 kts for most of the day, so we had some sail time. The rustle of canvas and whisper of water over the hull was bliss after the pounding of the diesels. By late afternoon we’d made our way to Horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island. What a magic spot! We went from bashing into a lumpy sea to gliding on silk in  a couple of boat lengths. A turtle even popped up to say hello.
I didn’t realise there were so many private houses on the northern part of the bay, some of whom were unimpressed by a couple of yachties bringing their dog ashore for his afternoon walk…
Apart from catching up on sleep today (even Zeus…) I wrote another chapter of the latest book, inspected the escape hatches in the hulls, ate more food than is good for me and read some of Fleur McDonald’s ‘Purple Roads.’ Capt G checked engines, slept, ate, slept and found new ways to make me laugh.
We’re hoping to see whales later today, although I hoping they aren’t slumbering on our current track… See you tomorrow.

Anchored at Horseshoe Bay

Nose down, looking forward through the escape hatch

Nose up, looking forward through the same hatch

Sunset at Horseshoe Bay

Thanks, Annie, a little envious of your road trip but that’s on the list for later. When we’re at see I keep doing the sums to see how quickly we can afford to do only this!! It is magic 🙂
Helene…reading your blog makes us even more determined to do more sailing. I enjoy every word you write and the photographs are superb!
He’s being a little champion, Brenda, but not all that keen on the continuous motoring… But we’re making progress and that’s the important part!!
Glorious sunset once again Helene! Good to hear you’re still safely sailing south, and also good to hear Zeus is looking out for you both 😉
Hope your heroine extricated herself before she was lightly poached, Sandy 🙂
Thanks for the tip re ticks. Zeus has been on dectamax injections all his life so we just hope we can find an amenable vet in Brisbane to continue that regime. It covers him for heartworm, ticks, fleas and just about every other parasite!
Wow, glorious sunset!
How disappointing to hear that not all the residents of Horseshoe are relaxed. You would think living it that part of the world that not much would bother you. Ah well, some folks just can’t be happy . . . their loss.
Well done you on the chapter writing, I’m about to go off and get my heroine into hot water. 🙂
Oh, PS, tick season is quite nasty down here so make sure Zeus is up to date with whatever prevention you use. We got a paralysis tick of KC yesterday. Thankfully she seems to have some immunity to them, though she’s not quite herself ATM.