Today’s guest is someone who’s been with me on this writing journey since 2005 when we met at my first RWA conference. She’s squeezed a truck load of other things into the last few years, but has remained true to her passion for writing. Her debut novel releases today and I’m delighted to be able to welcome her to the blog so she can share her love of writing, her special writing place and the things that inspire her. So, with a huge round of applause and mega congratulations, Alyssa, over to you 🙂
Thank you for inviting me to visit, Helene! Is it really nine years since we met at the dinner table for finalists in RWA’s Emma Darcy Awards? And while you and other finalists (Anna Campbell and Sharon Archer) shot to success like blazing meteorites in the night sky, I plodded along for a couple more years then the demands of family put writing on the backburner for seven years. Finally…here I am…although I fear my meteorite is still blazing somewhere in a galaxy far, far away! I am still very much serving an apprenticeship in the craft of writing, but am loving it all the same, and am delighted to be on the publication pathway now…
Lol, I’m sure your meteorite will burn even more brightly for the extra time it’s spent whizzing around in space, Alyssa!
Talking of space, I am fortunate to have my very own place for my writing and find that living on acreage in the Illawarra Escarpment makes for a peaceful environment for focus.
Alyssa, I remember visiting your home and thinking how warm and welcoming it was so you are fortunate to have such a wonderful space, but I also think it reflects the love in the home 🙂

The view from my desk
Right now I’m polishing my first Medieval Romance while needing to finish another contemporary romance for Escape Publications, and steeling myself for the editing process of “Echoes of the Heart” which Escape will publish early next year.
It’s been a pretty exciting ride since my first publication contract, with lots of balls to juggle now I have yet another role in my life. My family are getting used to the fact that I seem to be dropping more balls than I catch!
So, I write as often as I can in between working in and managing my busy private Speech Pathology practice and running around and supporting my three children who are all extremely busy with their extra-curricular activities.
And that must keep you very busy!! What do you do in your spare time?
Spare time? Well, I do remember that…vaguely! I really love entertaining friends, gardening and playing tennis and tend to read myself off to sleep in the early hours of each morning as my way of disconnecting from the chaotic pace of the day.
I also love our animals. We have two horses and one pony, our much adored dog, “Tigger” (a Staffordshire/Boxer cross who
simply will not accept that she is not a lap dog!), six goats and I’ve lost count of the hens (but know one has just hatched seven chickens!).
Zeus would love to meet Tigger!! What about holiday destinations that inspire you?
The entire family enjoys travelling together as often as possible. We have just returned from five weeks in Europe, with a stopover in Dubai on the way home. I must say that I was very inspired by the romance of Venice and have soaked up lots of impressions from other cities we have visited with settings in mind for future books. Definitely expect a desert romance after my amazing trip into the desert from Dubai and visit to a Bedouin camp.
I’d love to hear from readers and writers about some of their favourite memories from places they have visited.
Oh yes! Love a great travel story – I still think Tunisia is one of my favourite places largely because it seemed so relatively untouched! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule, Alyssa, and congratulations again on your debut release!
Thanks again, Helene, for having me to visit!
Alyssa J. Montgomery
As a child, Alyssa was always writing or co-writing stories in her spare time. Having loved being caught up in characters and their conflicts in romance stories since her late teens, the delivery of happy-ever-after endings means that Romance is still her favourite genre to read.
Alyssa still has a busy private practice where she works as a Speech-Language Pathologist – mainly with children with developmental disorders, literacy difficulties and autism. She has also been a professional pianist and worked for Qantas Airways as an International Flight Attendant.
She has a busy private Speech Pathology practice where she works mainly with children with developmental disorders, literacy difficulties, brain injury and autism. She has also been a professional pianist and worked for Qantas Airways as an International Flight Attendant.
Alyssa lives with her husband and three children, south of Sydney, on a five acre property in the Illawarra escarpment. They have a menagerie of animals and also enjoy occasional visits from deer, wallabies, echidna and the daily morning singing of numerous varieties of native birds.
You can follow Alyssa on Facebook, email at .
website: username: Alyssaromance
Mistaken Identity by Alyssa J. Montgomery
Alyssa’s next book, “Echoes of the Heart” will be released in 2014 by Escape Publications. Release date to be confirmed.
Available as an e-Book from Escape Publications, Amazon, Kobo, eBooks, Barnes and Noble and many more e-Book outlets.
An irresistibly indulgent novel about identical twins, an autocratic tycoon, and the sensual, sophisticated Greek seaside.
Greek tycoon Alex Kristidis will do anything it takes to prevent his brother marrying pop star Susie Hamlin, and Susie’s twin sister Leah will do whatever it takes to stop him. But, posing as Susie to throw Alex off the trail as she and her lover rush away to get married has unexpected consequences: Leah is whisked off to Alex’s private island, and becomes entangled in a web of lies.
Something is different about Susie, and Alex can’t put his finger on it. No longer the self-absorbed, selfish celebrity, she is warm and innocent and inspires feelings in him that he thought impossible. But the last thing he will do is indulge in an affair with his brother’s manipulative cast-off. He just has to find the strength to stay away…
* **
Independent review from Goodreads: ‘Happy to say that this is a definite 4 stars, not the shivering kind but definitely worth reading. A great great read!

Malvina, you say the nicest things! I remember the effort you went to critiquing my very first effort at romance writing – all the wonderfully constructive red markings that were on EVERY page!! I have certainly benefited from the mentoring you and Enisa have given me!Hope we can catch up this summer holidays.
Hi Kerrie,
Thank you for your congratulations!
My husband designed the stained glass window for me. Windows weren’t in the original plans for the room, but as we were living on-site while extensions were being done (during my 8 year absence from writing!!), we decided they were definitely required.
Tigger is actually female and her original name was “Honey”. However, as my husband just couldn’t call the dog “Honey”, we needed another name. At six months old, she “bounced” everyone in the family and sent all of us, except my husband, falling on to the ground – just like Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend. And…given that she has Tigger-like markings, one of our daughters decided she just had to be “Tigger”. I don’t think Tigger minds the traditionally masculine name!! (maybe Zeus could ask her!)
Gorgeous cover for Mistaken Identity, Alyssa. You certainly have a lot on your plate – congratulations on your success and perserverance!
That is such a beautiful stained glass window in your writing area – how do you concentrate on writing with that!
I love Tigger – I’d love to read his interview as well 🙂
Malvina, thanks for dropping by. Mistaken Identity is top of my pile. If I can just get my 1666 words written for NaNoWriMo today I being able to sit back and enjoy it!
I read your book as soon as it was delivered to my Kindle, Alyssa. And wow, power punch romance! Loved every word. Loved reading this as well, outlining your story. It’s been a privilege to know you as a friend before this fabulous moment of debut publication. And may there be many more.
Hi Cassie and Marilyn, thanks for dropping round. It’s always lovely to be able to celebrate another author’s debut!!
Thanks, Marilyn. I think my experience underlines that a writer needs to find an editor who likes his/her voice! Another big factor is supporting each other, for had it not been for Young Adult Romance Writer, Maggie Gilbert, my story would still be languishing at the bottom of the filing cabinet. It was Maggie who suggested I send the manuscript to Escape! A HUGE thank you to Maggie!
An interesting interview ladies. Shows that perseverance really does pay off! Congrats on your first publication, Alyssa.
Hi Cassie,
Blogging today in between clients! Thanks to you for being such a wonderfully enthusiastic and supportive critique partner. (One of three fabulously talented ladies in our critique group, I might add.)
Congratulations on your debut book Alyssa. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story with us.
Thanks, Alyssa, that’s very generous!!
Zeus also does interviews for the blog and his favourite interviewees are other author’s dogs (although there’s a cat that may be worth interviewing as well!) Tigger may soon find an invite to Zeus’s beanbag for a chat!!
Hi Gabrielle,
I hope that my kids find my journey inspirational and never give up on their dreams. Hopefully I will be proof that anything is possible!
Helene, you guys are welcome any time with Zeus. Plenty of space here for visitors and the four-legged members of the family!
Thanks for visiting my guest appearance on Helene’s blog, Susanne. Once I told my husband determinedly “One day I will be published”. His reply was “It doesn’t matter if you aren’t, as long as you are doing what makes you happy!” So, whilst mega sales would be great, my main hope is that any sale I have will bring reader satisfaction!
Great idea, Gabrielle:) I’ll get Zeus onto that! Thanks for stopping by – I think it’s wonderful that Alyssa’s perseverance has won through.
Thanks for dropping by, Susanne. Alyssa certainly has enough career paths to juggle!!
Hi Helene and Alyssa.
Such an inspirational read. Thanks for sharing Alyssa (& Helene). Congratulations on the new release.
Tigger looks just lovely… don’t s’pose there’s a “from Zeus’s beanbag” a la the Bunson and Nero mutts interview? (as time permits). Would love to meet Tigger.
Thank you, Gabrielle
Sounds lovely, Alyssa. Congratulations and all the best on your new position as published author! Here’s to mega sales!