The weather gods smiled on us today. It all started with our early departure from Bundaberg and a sublime sunrise. They don’t get much better than this in my humble opinion.

Sunrise leaving the Burnett River
Then the wind started to blow from the south-west and Roobinesque kicked up her heels and headed north with the spray flying from her hulls. Three other boats were heading in the same direction so the race was on. I lost count of the sail changes as the wind dropped and rose again, but there’s something very satisfying about getting to the anchorage first and choosing where to drop anchor 🙂
We were trying for Round Head and the Town of 1770, but as we got closer Capt G decided we could push on to Pancake Creek, a larger and very secure anchorage. Just before we lined up the leads to head into the creek humpback whales surfaced dead ahead with a pod of dolphins. We were in the middle of dropping the sails so sadly no photos, but it was wonderful to see them up close and personal again.
The anchorage gradually filled up as our travel companions made their way in. Tomorrow will be another early start and we have Cape Capricorn in our sites with an outside chance of Great Keppel Island.
We’ve both settled into the rhythm of sailing – I’m not missing make-up or hair-dryers, but Capt G may need to dig his razor out soon 🙂 I did make time to write today and am hoping for more time tomorrow as these characters are getting noisier as they wait to have the chance to tell their story. Capt G is already tucked up with his latest good book so I’ll leave you with tonight’s sunset. Not too shabby!

Sunset at Pancake Creek

Mary, I’m sorry to hear your uncle is unwell, but enjoy Kent in the autumn. The colours would be gorgeous.
Glad you’re enjoying our slice of travel adventures. Safe journey to you too.
Thoroughly enjoying reading your blog while unexpectedly on an urgent flying visit to my ailing, ancient uncle. Kent is lovely at this time of year – and four days (so far) without rain makes it so-o-o much more bearable. Watching closely for the next episode of your sailing saga. Keep the photos coming.
Best wishes & safe voyage,