Ever wondered about the model on a book cover? My First Officers all wanted to know who doubled for Lauren on Shattered Sky’s cover and I could honestly say I had no idea.
But Burning Lies?
Thanks to Google Analytics I do know the public face of Kaitlyn, my wonderful heroine in Burning Lies.
She lives in Bristol with her baby son and partner so please welcome Fritha to my blog!
Fritha, welcome to my slice of Australia and thanks for being Kaitlyn.
I understand my cover designer chose you from a series of stock photos. When were the photos shot and what sort of modeling work were you doing at the time?
They were taken by Photographer Rebecca Parker whilst I was at university. I replied to an ad at my collage looking for models and we shot them at a little seaside town called Ferryside in South Wales. This was about five years ago now!
What did you think when you were told you would be on the cover of a book set in Australia?
It was quite a bizarre feeling! Odd to think I will be the homes of people on the other side of the world from me.
How did you feel when you saw the finished product with your photo slightly altered and used like this? (And you should see the size of the poster adverts in major Australia airports!)
Again very strange to see myself so big on those airport posters! I think the picture looks fantastic along with the design on the book cover. I think the photographer had told me that her work is often used for book covers but I had totally forgotten about them until she alerted me to the cover.
What sort of work do you now do? Your blog is very visual and very beautiful.
I am a freelance illustrator.
How do you juggle a busy career with a young son?
Wilf has just turned seven months and this is a time where I would be normally finishing maternity leave (in the UK you get nine months paid but a full year off). I used to work as a personal assistant whilst I did illustration work on the side but maternity leave has helped me focus and establish myself and illustration work. Working for yourself and having a small baby is hard but in many ways it has spurred me to organize my time better, I work on commissions whilst Wilf is napping or in the evening.
Sounds like a very busy life! You’re a prolific blogger. What motivated you to start blog and what do you enjoy about blogging?
I started blogging as a way to share my illustrations and it sort of morphed from that to a lifestyle blog over the two years I have been blogging. I find it therapeutic and a great way to document life. I wrote letters to Wilf when I was pregnant and posted them along with a picture each week. I already enjoy reading back over them and reminiscing!
Thanks for dropping by for a chat, Fritha!
Find Fritha at http://tigerlillyquinn.blogspot.co.uk/

It’s wonderful, Amanda. Very sorry you’ll miss conference this year. I know it’s been such a difficult time for you… Hugs to you and catch up soon!
WOW!! How wonderful… and THAT is a story in itself don’t you think??!!
Shame I will be missing you all – first time I’ve missed a conference in 5 years – SIGH… oh well, next year… have a most wonderful time!!!
My pleasure, Bernadette!
Thanks for revealing the girl behind your stunning cover, Helene.
Thanks, Nikki, an entire village comes together for every book!
I love these behind the scenes glimpses. They serve to remind us how many people it takes to bring a book into the world.
Group hug… 🙂
I think there might be, Jenn 🙂
And you really need to be my full time PR campaigner – you do such a lovely job of talking my books up!!
There’s got to be a story in there somewhere!!!!!! How fantasic is that! Fritha you aren’t just on ANY cover. It’s a multi award-winning author cover LOL. Helene, you are a hoot.
It’s very special, Imelda and Rach!
Fritha’s family looks very gorgeous as does her website. Somehow it always reminds me of Lily, in Phillipa Fioretti’s beautiful stories – The Book of Love and The Fragment of Dream. Something vintage and luscious about the name – Tigerlilly Quinn 🙂
WOW – fascinating!!! I’m so jealous that you know who is on your cover Helene!
How lovely to meet the ‘face’ of your book! Fascinating to see the real person behind the picture (especially when she has such an adorable baby. sorry, shameless baby lover here).
I’ll have to check out your blog, Fritha!