Somewhere in this sea of masts our perfect new home is hiding. I just need to find her 🙂
Trouble is the one I’m looking for doesn’t have a mast at the moment. Should make it easy to spot, right?
I figured if I looked long and hard enough I’d spot it eventually, but no…
Luckily the broker knew where she was!
And she was well worth another mad dash to Brisbane to look at her – plus she had owners who were happy to share their cruising stories.
Gotta love yachties 🙂

It will be home, Sandy 🙂
We’ve been planning for this transition for fifteen years – lovely that it’s finally within reach! We’ll rent our house out and live aboard the boat so I’ll keep flying and writing for a few years more.
Is this your new toy then? Wicked (and I mean that in the cool way that my 8 yo says it). A nice way to unwind and let those wonderful stories percolate in your head. 🙂
Nope 🙂
Does Zeus get a say in his new floating kennel?
Thanks 🙂