What’s better than one writer at a library chat?
Thanks to loads of hard work from Brenda Telford and Allison Roberts the Cardiff Library welcomed Jenn J McLeod, Wendy James and me for a three way chat about our writing journey. The new library is underneath the local Woolworths and has a great space for library talks. Add in a roomful of interested readers and fellow writers, plus a table groaning with yummy cakes and biscuits, and we were destined for a great afternoon.
Thanks to the Maclean’s Booksellers for coming along as well. I love the generous support from local independent book sellers who continue to promote local authors – as we’re only as good as the sales figures for our last book these guys can make a world of difference to us.
Afterwards Jenn, Wendy, Brenda and I went for a coffee and a walk around Lake Macquarie. I think I’ve found the perfect spot to anchor RooBinEsque and write a new novel!
Dinner at the Iron Horse Inn finished off the evening in fine style. Next morning was an early start for me, flying back to Brisbane and heading straight to work (handy having an office at the airport), but the warm welcome from Cardiff made it all worthwhile.
Thanks, Cardiff Library – see you next year!!

great article!!
Yay! Great news Helene 😀
I’ll be back! The Newcastle locals are way too kind for me to stay away, Brenda 😀
And it was certainly wonderful to see you again Helene 🙂 Thanks so much to you, Wendy and Jenn for a wonderful few hours! Hopefully to be repeated sometime in the near future!