
Roobinesque is now sporting her formal wear with a white top, black pants and a touch of grey 🙂 She looks fit for a B&S Ball!

Roobinesque in Black and White

Capt G and I have collapsed groaning on the couch knowing we only have one hull left to polish tomorrow. Come Monday we’ll be ready to be lifted back into the water so the adventure can begin in earnest.

Polisher in hand!

Today I also found time to drop by Jennie Jones’ Blog to talk about what makes Conor’s house a home! (Conor being one of my main characters in Northern Heat for those of you who may not have read it yet – and if not then why not? Just joking J ) There are books to be won all week on Jennie’s Blog so drop by for a chat!

We did have a couple of unforeseen issues today. The first one was annoying rather than disastrous with the tape we’d used to mask up the hull leaving a residue behind when I removed it. The only thing that would shift it was turps and that’s a little tricky when you’re working just about the new line of paint… I’ll fine tune that tomorrow.

The other issue is a little more problematic. The whole reason we’d lifted Roobi was to replace her sacrificial anodes, which sit around the propellors and prevent corrosion of any metal in the engines. For some reason the new ones don’t fit on one of the props. Capt G took to them with an angle grinder but sunset defeated us so we’ll be back on the job tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed we can make them fit or we’ll be looking for a new tradesman on Monday morning (of course that may lead to more photo opportunities!)

I hope you’re having a fun weekend!

Capt G wielding an angle grinder...


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