Congratulations to all the 2016 Romantic Book for the Year winners. The results were announced at the recent RWA Gala dinner in Adelaide – and what a fabulous night that was too! You can find all the details at the RWA Blog.
Special congrats to Michelle Somers, whose Romantic Suspense story, ‘Lethal in Love’, took out the Long Romance division. Her story was originally released as a serial, but has just been released as a complete book – fingers crossed it’s available in print very soon as well! It’s wonderful to see Australian Romantic Suspense recognised by readers.
The Adelaide 25th Anniversary conference was another stellar affair. Well done to the volunteers who put the event together. And a very big thank you to Leisl Leighton and her committee for all their efforts over the past twelve month. Romance Writers of Australia have provided so many of us with opportunities and support and it just keeps going from strength to strength. Long may is prosper!